VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227 VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227

2022 year in review


By Jay Kalner, President, VVA Chapter 227 As the pandemic’s impact stretched into a third year, VVA Chapter 227 concentrated on meeting the growing needs of veterans and their families, leading to a record expenditure of $31,000 in direct support, compared to $29,500 in 2021. Our membership numbers continue to climb, rising from 348 to 359 by yearend—a growth rate of 3%—less than the 6% rate in 2021, but more than the 1.5% rate in 2020. We remain the largest chapter in Virginia and are 18th in size nationally. Special recognition for our growth goes to two board members—Stan Derr and membership chairman Bill Lynch. Finally, as you’ll see below, we had our best year ever in lining up some fabulous speakers for our membership meetings. Thanks to some amazing benefactors and generous year end donations, the chapter was able to support some 30 veterans and their families ($13,100) for rent assistance, car repairs, utility bills, etc. We allocated an additional $13,700 for 100 veterans and their families in the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program (VASH) for back to school expenses and the holiday gift program. We donated $1,000 to the Kentucky VVA State Council to support the many veterans impacted by the terrible floods there. We gave $1,000 grants to fulfill the Santa Lists of three needy Wounded Warrior families. We also gave a $200 grant to the America‘s Adopt a Soldier program for a golf hole sponsorship and $200 for CARE package postage, and partnered with MITRE Corporation’s Care Packages for the Troops program. Our AVVA gave a $300 grant to the national AVVA’s Project Smile, and collected cash (totaling $260) and assorted household goods at monthly meetings for The Lamb Center homeless shelter, which helps many veterans. One of the tools we used to grow our membership was to bring in prominent speakers for our monthly meetings and make them lively events that would attract new and current members. Two former senior CIA officials spoke on issues of great concern—Joe DeTrani on US-China relations in March, and Brian McCauley on the Ukraine-Russia war for our chapter anniversary meeting in October. Greta Neimanas spoke on the Wounded Warrior Project in January, Raisa Velez talked in April about her work with veterans suffering from traumatic brain injuries, and our own board member Don Sutherland spoke in November about his important role in leading the mentor team at the Fairfax County Veterans Treatment Docket to help troubled veterans. In May, Chuck Harris, our Treasurer, gave an engrossing presentation on the 1972 Easter Offensive, and in September, Colonel Danielle Ngo, the highest ranking female Vietnamese American officer in the Army, spoke about leaving Vietnam in 1975 thanks to US help and paying it back with an incredible career in the US military. Finally, in June, we were thrilled to have Washington Commanders’ coach Ron Rivera speak on the upcoming season and his life growing up in a military family headed by his dad, a two-tour Vietnam War veteran. In 2023, we look forward to greater growth in membership; already in January the pace has picked up dramatically thanks to the persistence of Stan Derr, who apparently camps out at franchise restaurants looking for new recruits! But most importantly, we will never forget our primary mission of helping all veterans, who are facing challenges in these uncertain times. FEBRUARY MEETING: USS COLE INCIDENT The February 16th meeting guest speaker is Commander Kirk Lippold, USN (Ret.), who was the USS Cole captain.

VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227

VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227

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