VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227 VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227

AVVA Chapter membership


The Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America (AVVA) is a catalyst for action, healing, support and fellowship with the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA). There are 10,400 members across the country. AVVA is non-partisan. It is not an auxiliary. It is a non-profit organization. The most significant advantage we have is that we are made up of veterans and non-veterans from all walks of life, working together for common goals. Because of our status, Congress listens to our individual views regarding pending and suggested veteran legislation. 

We wish to support the actions and causes of the VVA, and the families of our active military. AVVA is anyone and everyone who works toward the goals of our veterans. One of our main concerns is that all veterans know, understand, and have clear access to the information they need, and the benefits they have earned through service to their country. 


1. We support and help fund The Lamb Center in Fairfax VA, whose purpose is to be a day shelter for homeless veterans and other homeless men and women who need clothing, food, and other daily 


2. We send condolence cards for our deceased members and get-well cards to those in rehab or 

suffer from sickness and need cheering up. 

3. We man the greeting table for those who attend our monthly dinner meetings, and help with suggestions for dinner menus with the club manager. 

4. Our chapter representative attends all board meetings, chapter dinner meetings, VVA national conventions, regional conferences, state meetings, and shares ideas with other VVA and AVVA in attendance. 

5 We share fellowship with veteran spouses and friends for our chapter birthday, community 

gatherings, and always decorate for our yearly Holiday Party. 

6. We sometimes make arrangements for chapter speakers if asked, and any other items and tasks that the chapter needs. 

To conclude, we in AVVA attempt to improve the lives, in some small way, of our chapter veterans and their families. Being an AVVA member is an honor and privilege we all have for those who have served and are serving. PLEASE JOIN US!


VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227

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