VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227 VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227

2024 year in review


By Jay Kalner, President, VVA Chapter 227

VVA Chapter 227 carried on its central mission of meeting the growing needs of veterans, leading to a new record expenditure of over $39,700 in direct support, a 20% increase over some $33,000 in 2023. Our membership increased at a slower rate, from 401 to 418 by yearend (a 4.2% growth rate compared to 11.7% in 2023)—in part because of the passing of an increased number of members. We remain the largest chapter in Virginia, and are 17th in size nationally, moving up one rank from last year. Lastly, our annual donations have unfortunately declined 20%, from over $46,000 in 2023 to about $37,000 in 2024.

Thanks to some generous benefactors, a yearend donation drive, and a dip into our cash reserves, the chapter was able to support some 30 veterans and their families (over $16,000) for rent assistance, car repairs, utility bills, etc. In addition, we allocated some $13,500 for 105 veterans and their families in the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program (VASH) for their back-to-school and holiday gift programs. We gave $3,000 in grants to fulfill the Santa Lists of three needy Wounded Warrior families, donated a $500 grant to the Adopt-a-Soldier charity golf tournament, and partnered with MITRE Corporation’s Care Package programs for troops and veterans. For the latter, the chapter helped pay shipping costs, disburse funds collected, and send out acknowledgment letters. Continuing kudos to Chuck Harris, our chapter treasurer and former MITRE employee, who serves as the program treasurer. Additionally, our AVVA collected cash (totaling just over $1,000) and assorted household goods at monthly meetings for the Lamb Center homeless shelter, which helps many veterans.

An important tool we use to attract new members is to bring in prominent speakers for our monthly meetings. In February, David Welker, a CIA historian, provided a very informative presentation of the CIA’s role in the Vietnam War. The following month, Lt. Col. Randy Jones, USA (ret.), provided a rare look at the “cat and mouse” game between Russian forces and the US Military Mission in East Germany during the Cold War. In April, our speaker was Peggy Kelly, who served in Vietnam as an American Red Cross “Donut Dollie” and entertained our troops under some harrowing circumstances. A month later, Rachel Thompson, an historian from the George C. Marshall International Center, spoke on the 1948 Berlin Airlift and the amazing exploits of Lt. Gail “Hal” Halverson, the so-called “Candy Bomber,” for his air drops of candy to Berlin children. In June, John Schwarz, Executive Director of the USS Houston Survivors’ Association, provided a riveting account of the Japanese sinking of the USS Houston in World War II and the fate of the ship’s survivors, including his own father. In September, chapter member Dan Moore discussed his memoir “Whatever Cause We Have,” an insightful account of his tour in Vietnam as a Marine artillery officer. At our October anniversary dinner, Gen. David Rodriguez, USA (ret.), gave us a whirlwind tour of current US military concerns and global threats to the US. In November, former US Army MP Bob Dunn provided a heartwarming look at his Vietnam tour working with his sentry dog Duke.

For 2025, we are committed to maintaining our admirable record of assisting veterans and their families and to increasing our membership by reaching out to more veterans, especially those in retirement facilities. That said, we also need to redouble our efforts to reverse the decline in donations experienced in 2024 so we can succeed in our main mission of helping vets of all generations.

VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227
VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227

VVA Dean K Phillips Memorial Chapter 227

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